Learn about artists and organisations through visits

Organisations I have visited:
A organisation I have visited is Film Oxford. Film Oxford is a creative arts charity and through the BFI film academy has taught me many skills surrounding lighting, sound, editing and filming. I have also learnt the importance of confidence with my ideas and sharing them with my group. Personally, visiting Film Oxford was an important step for me in terms of my journey towards the industry. The skills I have learnt will act of a basis for the knowledge I learn at University and will benefit me in the future.

Arts professionals:
Many professionals visited us during the course, however one that stood out to me was Zak Harney who is a director and assistant director. He has created his own work free-lancing and has worked with other companies to produce content. Zak was incredibly interesting in the way he described his journey into the industry and showed me that there are many paths. After his talk he came round each group and spoke to us about our films. He gave great advice about how to film our shots and plan the day to run smoothly. Although he was a professional he spoke to us as though we were on a similar level to him which made his advice feel more relevant. He had also worked with some youtubers I watch which was inspiring to see in terms of planning what I want to do and where to aim.

Future opportunities:
Following the academy, I am planning on studying film production at University. Many of the Universities I'm applying to have a high employment rate within the first six months for my course.
The universities I am applying to are:
